Time to make a dent in the world


These are a few coaching resources to give you an idea of how I think, including blog posts I have written, as well as articles, books and podcasts from which I have drawn inspiration and learning. I also teach a course on the Maven platform on being a more effective executive, and have done a couple free webinars there. For my latest content, you can check out my newsletter. If what you see piques your interest, please get in touch!

I also wanted to include a couple posts other coaches have written on the process of choosing a coach: How to Find and Choose a Coach and How to Know You Are Getting Great Value From Your Coach. My experience is that having an instant bond of trust with a coach is critical; when I have felt that trust, the coach could challenge me and push me further, which meant I progressed faster. With other coaches, I didn’t feel understood or that sense of connection, and felt like I had to keep explaining myself, and that didn’t lead to good outcomes. This is why I offer a free intro chat for us to get to know each other and see if there is that spark of trust.


Blog posts I’ve written

Articles from others

Books (with links to my blog summaries where available)
