These are a few coaching resources to give you an idea of how I think, including blog posts I have written, as well as articles, books and podcasts from which I have drawn inspiration and learning. I also teach a course on the Maven platform on being a more effective executive, and have done a couple free webinars there. For my latest content, you can check out my newsletter. If what you see piques your interest, please get in touch!
I also wanted to include a couple posts other coaches have written on the process of choosing a coach: How to Find and Choose a Coach and How to Know You Are Getting Great Value From Your Coach. My experience is that having an instant bond of trust with a coach is critical; when I have felt that trust, the coach could challenge me and push me further, which meant I progressed faster. With other coaches, I didn’t feel understood or that sense of connection, and felt like I had to keep explaining myself, and that didn’t lead to good outcomes. This is why I offer a free intro chat for us to get to know each other and see if there is that spark of trust.
I also wanted to share a 5-minute recording of a grounding practice I sometimes lead my clients through to help them settle down when facing a challenging situation.
Blog posts I’ve written
Creating Alignment with Others on setting expectations and holding others accountable
Articles from others
Three Crucial Skills that Leaders Must Develop to Become Executives, by Nikhyl Singhal
90 seconds to emotional resilience, by Alyson M. Stone, describing the research of Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor
15 principles for managing up, by Wes Kao
A Simple Hack to Help You Communicate More Effectively, (What? So What? Now What?) by Matt Abrahams
Your Resume is an Advertisement, by Seppo Helava
The Real Reason People Won’t Change, by Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey
How To Feel Better When You Don’t Know What’s Wrong, by David Cain
How To Get Into The "Zone Of Genius" And Unlock Your Highest Potential (interview with Gay Hendricks)
Power Up Your Team with Non-violent Communication Principles
Books (with links to my blog summaries where available)
You Have A Choice: Beyond Hard Work to Meaningful Impact, by Eric Nehrlich, where I share what’s worked for me and the leaders I coach.
The Coaching Habit, by Michael Bungay Stanier (Huffington Post summary since I haven’t written my own)
Essentialism, by Greg McKeown
The New Psychology of Leadership, by Haslam, Reicher and Platow
The Great Work of Your Life, by Stephen Cope (summary from the web since I haven’t written my own)
Whistling Vivaldi, by Claude M. Steele (this book enlightened me about stereotype threat and the challenges of inclusion)
Difficult Conversations, by Douglas Stone, Sheila Heen and Bruce Patton (no summary, but check out the Tim Ferriss interview of Sheila Heen)
Atomic Habits, by James Clear
Daring Greatly, and Rising Strong, by Brené Brown
The Reboot Podcast with Jerry Colonna
The episode on Rebooting your Definition of Success particularly resonated for me.
The Knowledge Project, with Shane Parrish
The episode with Jim Dethmer on The Pillars of Integrity had me considering how I step out of energetic wholeness.
The interview with Steve March on the Four Depths of Aletheia Coaching convinced me to enroll at Steve’s Aletheia coaching school, which has been personally and professionally impactful for me.